0. Search
Maze -> 길찾기
Using Stack => DFS (찾기만!)
Using Queue => BFS
갈래길 => DFS 끝까지, BFS
BFS -> leads us to optimal Solution
단점 : 너무 오래걸린다
Greedy Best-First Search
-> search algorithm that expands the node that is closest to the goal, as estimated by a heuristic function h(n)
=> Not guaranteed!
A* search
-> search algorithm that expands nodes with lowest value of g(n) + h(n)
g(n) = cost to reach node
h(n) = estimated cost to goal
A* search can find optimal search algorithm which can find a solution
A* search is optimal if
h(n) is admissible (never overestimates the free cost), and
h(n) is consistent(for every node n and successor n' with step cost c, h(n) <= h(n') + c)
Adversarial Search - Adversary
win -> 1
draw -> 0
lose -> -1
for Tic-Tac-Toe
MAX(X) aims to maximize score
MIN(O) aims to minimize score
Given a state S:
Max picks action a in ACTIONS(s) that produces highest value of MIN-VALUE(RESULT(s, a))
Min picks action a in ACTIONS(s) that produces smallest value of MAX-VALUE(RESULT(s, a))
pseudocode for MAX-VALUE (similar for MIN-VALUE)
function MAX-VALUE(state):
if TERMINAL(state):
return UTILITY(state)
v = -inf
for action in ACTIONS(state):
v = MAX(u, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, action))
return v
Alpha beta pruning (thinking of the opponent’s move also)
-> can save a lot of time
-> but not enough! (too much memory needed)
3- 1- 2
12 23
Alpha-beta pruning
=> 단점 : 너무 오래걸린다
Depth Limited Minimax -> will estimate after some moves
- Evaluation function ()
-> function that estimates the expected utility of the game from a given state